Performance Upgrades in Your Home
After a thorough energy audit, Northern Energy Services will have recommendations for performance upgrades throughout your home. Upgrades commonly include air sealing, wall, attic and basement insulation. Larger upgrades include replacement of hot water heaters or furnace, windows, and doors and the addition of Air Sourced Heat pumps. Northern Energy Services Certified Technicians have the ability to perform all of these upgrades, eliminating a homeowner need to find contractors to perform the recommended upgrades. Then, you can begin living comfortably.
The Benefits Of Performance Upgrades
Increased Comfort and Health
Home performance improvements can lead to cleaner air, consistent heating and cooling, and reduction of moisture-related mold problems.
Lower Energy Bills
Air sealing, insulation, Heat pumps, and other affordable efficiency upgrades can reduce energy waste in homes.
A Cleaner Environment
Using energy more efficiently is a cost-effective way to keep the environment clean.
Enhanced Home Value
Improved home performance can reduce maintenance cost, improve durability and make your home more attractive to future buyers.
Energy Upgrades are Good for America
Improving the efficiency of American homes is one of the most cost-effective ways to scale back harmful greenhouse gas emissions and reduce our nation’s dependence on costly energy imports. Efficiency upgrades also support domestic job creation in construction and manufacturing, and extends the impact of investments in sources of clean and renewable energy.